Basic Information

Profile Id: 6105

Full Name: Jeet Shah

Residential Address: Dubai

Hobbies & Activities: Reading, travelling, Films, Sports

City: Mumbai

About You: I'm a well educated person coming from an educated family of engineers from top colleges of Mumbai. I'm modern as well as family oriented person.

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Physical Apprearance

Height: 5' 10'' (1.78 mts)

Weight: 73 KG

Color Complexion: Fair

Body Type: Athletic

Education & Work Information

Qualification Degree: Masters degree

Qualification Details: B.Tech, MBA

Employment Status: Full-time

Work Place Information: Dubai

Workplace Address: Dubai

Designation: Analyst

Family Information

Native place: Mumbai

Father's Name: Gitesh Shah

Mother's Name: Shilpa shah

Grandfather's Name: Ramanlal Shah

Grandmother's Name: Pushpaben Shah

Father's Occupation: Software

Mother's Occupation: Homemaker

Siblings: 1 younger brother

Family Contact: 9892583395, 9892583394 [Please mention while calling]

Family Address: Ghatkopar,

Whatsapp number: 9892583395

Horoscope Information

Date & Time of Birth: 20/December/1990 01:36 pm

Place of Birth: Mumbai

Gotra: Gadiyana

Marital Status: Single

Other Information

Country: India

Diet: Vegetarian

Smoking: No

Drinking : Occasional

Expectation :

Location Expectation: No criteria for place

Partner Expectation: Educated and having a career. A fair and reasonably tall person.